Skynyrd Whaaat?!




Yes, this page is where you’ll find the free stuff.

Download them all!

Enjoy the music, and Listen Beyond Your Ears…


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Rhythm Practice 3

Continue to become a better sight reader and more independent musician by bettering your RHYTHM SKILLS!

Carol Chambers’ “Rhythm Practice 3” allows you to practice rhythms through simple melodies focusing on COMPOUND METER. An optional “unison” line that stays on one pitch is also included.


Use these for yourself, in private lessons, or with your full ensemble.

Download.  Print.  Perform.

Contact Me if you missed Rhythm Practice 1 and 2.

Enjoy the various transpositions included:


Experience Yata’s sound first-hand by reading through the entire first movement of “Bent” with your students.

Contact Me to receive full wind score and parts.
As with all Yata-Shows, template Mallet and Piano staves are included.

Students:  Contact Me for your individual part and download the play-along below:

      1. Bent Play-Along in C Minor

For informational and instructional purposes only.
Licensing required for public use, recording, and performance.